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PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma)


Neurosurgery - Brain & Spine Specialist located in Long Beach, Torrance, Beverly Hills, Orange County and surrounding areas

At FARINeurosurgery, Dr. Farin’s skills, knowledge and experience can be utilized to deliver PRP to your sore spot, bolstering and facilitating your healing process so that you move forward quickly toward the new, rejuvenated version of YOU!

PRP injections stimulate restoration, remediation and recovery in injured, traumatized or degenerated tissues including muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints. Because PRP is derived from a patient’s own blood, the chance of an allergy or rejection is very slim. This restorative technology has been tried and decades, and is relied upon by professional athletes to reinvigorate their performance.

Drawing upon the body’s very own intrinsic regenerative factors, PRP recruits your body’s endemic cells to develop the proper milieu that will boost healing and encourage recovery- faster than what your body can do alone. Moreover, PRP is believed to suppress inflammation.

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At FARINeurosurgery, Dr. Farin’s skills, knowledge and experience can be utilized to deliver PRP to your sore spot, bolstering and facilitating your healing process so that you move forward quickly toward the new, rejuvenated version of YOU!