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Cranial Trauma Specialist


Neurosurgery - Brain & Spine Specialist located in Long Beach, Torrance, Beverly Hills, Orange County and surrounding areas

Cranial trauma is becoming more prevalent — around 1.7 million Americans experience a traumatic brain injury every year. At FARINeurosurgery in Long Beach, California, Azadeh Farin, MD, FAANS, FACS, evaluates cranial trauma and provides customized treatments to protect your brain, health, and quality of life. If you've had a cranial trauma and are looking for expert medical care, call FARINeurosurgery or schedule a consultation online today.

Cranial Trauma Q&A

What is cranial trauma?

A cranial trauma is an injury to your skull and brain. There are several different types of cranial traumas, including:


A concussion occurs when you suffer a blow to your head that's so severe your brain moves back and forth inside your skull. This rapid movement can cause bruising and bleeding in the brain as well as changes to your brain cells. 

Skull fractures

There are several types of skull fractures, including linear, depressed, diastatic, and basilar. Depending on your fracture's location and severity, you might need surgical intervention to repair your skull, drain extra fluid, or remove shards of bone from your brain.

Intracranial hematoma

A hematoma is a blood clot. You can develop hematomas in several locations in your brain. For example, an epidural hematoma forms between your skull and dura; a subdural hematoma forms between your dura and the brain; or you can get an intracerebral hematoma in or on your brain.  

What signs tell me to see a doctor about my head injury?

Head injuries range in severity, but should always be taken seriously. You should make an appointment at FARINeurosurgery if you lost consciousness or have any signs of confusion or disorientation following a head injury. 

How do you evaluate cranial trauma?

Dr. Farin provides thorough exams to evaluate your cranial trauma. She reviews your symptoms and the details of your injury. Dr. Farin uses X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, electroencephalograms (EEGs), and blood tests to examine your brain. 

How is cranial trauma treated?

Treatment depends on the details of your head injury. For example, Dr. Farin might recommend ice, acetaminophen, and observation for mild cranial trauma. If your symptoms worsen over time, Dr. Farin can take additional action. 

Dr. Farin might prescribe medication to prevent seizures or reduce fluid accumulation in your brain. She also offers expert brain surgery to repair skull fractures, remove hematomas, or relieve pressure on your skull. 

Learn More

Recovering from a cranial trauma can take some time. Stay patient, attend your follow-up appointments, and stay with Dr. Farin's advice to optimize your recovery. 

Call FARINeurosurgery or make an appointment online today if you have a cranial trauma and need expert treatment.